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With the strong changes felt by the real estate market, new challenges have emerged for investors. These challenges may carry greater risks and concerns, but also provide opportunities. For the past decades it has been usual, especially in Portugal, to consider investment in real-estate as a guaranteed return business – an idea mainly fuelled by easy bank credit and a favourable and growing market. Nowadays, with a more adverse economic cycle, we find that, when poorly planned, a real-estate investment could become a problem, not only through its devaluation and inability to create return on investment, but also as a fixed charge of difficult liquidation. At V R Z, through an approach both holistic and focused in the creation of Value, we study in detail the market and its investment opportunities. We rehearse investment scenarios according to comparative analysis of potential occupation and profitability. Therefore, we open investment chances that are properly founded, thoughtful and prepared for an informed and conscious decision-making process.
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